Your enviroment in relation to success.

You are a product of your environment, surround yourself with the best.

Before reading any further, ask yourself where you want to be in the next 2-5 years, now visualise yourself obtaining that position. Ask yourself if you’ve made any significant moves that’ll push your come up to its fullest potential.

Now, ask yourself if the environment that you are currently engaging in is healthy enough to help you pursue your final goal.

In this hustling game, it is highly crucial to ensure that your surroundings are healthy, especially when it comes to the building blocks that lay foundation for your future. Anything from friendship right down to what you feed your mind is energy. Toxic energy can cause unnecessary setbacks and can stunt your potential if you let it grow within your environment. Take energy to be a person for say, energy has the upmost ability to affect your performance and progression, as to this, its highly important that you make a conscious decision on who and what surrounds you.

Choose and environment that’ll help you develop in terms of success. Assess your life regarding your surroundings. Are the tangible things that are in your current environment helping you to become the best version of you?

Moving into working relationships and networks. In most cases, we tend to be subconsciously unaware that the people we surround ourselves with have an impact on the choices we make, yes you are your own person, but over a course of time, energy and habits become highly transmittable in reference with this comes an old saying; ‘if you lay down with a dog, you’ll catch flees’ now in informal reference, this isn’t to say that if you’ve got a friend that over eats, you will also over eat, it just means that depending on the working relationship between you and your friend, 8/10 you’ll subconsciously become susceptible to picking up their habits/ traits and in this hustling game it’s significant that you channel your mind to gravitate towards picking up the right habits and attitudes. Regardless what everyone else is doing.

If the environment you are affiliated with consists of negative energy then feel no way about loosening the laces and networking with people that aspire to win. In your environment, ensure that the people you affiliate with have more to them than a pretty face or designer labels as the material hype of being affiliated with anyone who looks good, makes you look good or is seen to be popular is only temporary and will die down if there is no genuine & real motivational substance.

You are product of your environment, surround yourself with the best.

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